“Vinyl is the poor man’s art collection.” – Noel Gallagher
As I was cruising by Tent Records in Nishi-Ogikubo on my way home from Kichijoji, as I’m wont to do, I spotted Amano’s vibrant green dress as she and her boyfriend, Uchi, were sitting inside at the listening station, both actively listening on headphones to the same record. That dress alone would be reason to stop, which I did do, and as entered the shop I started to peruse the records, I tried not to study them too hard, but thought to myself, “Wow, they’re quite photogenic!”
Then I overheard one of them say to the other as they listened to a selection that they weren’t quite sure about, “It’s pretty interesting. What do you think?” and the other replying, “Yeah, It’s pretty good. I dig it. We should get it.” This little exchange had me transfixed for no particular reason other than it was just cool, a couple deciding together music that they might want to add to their collective life. Amano caught e sorta staring and said, “Oh we’ll be finished soon, then you can have a turn here.” “No, no” I replied, you’re fine, I was just …ah …ah transfixed by this Raincoats album” which was indeed also true, as Tent’s master, Akezawa san played their 1981 “Odyshape” on the house system. Then suddenly all four of us were in a conversation, genuinely curious what each of us might recommend to the other if one of us posted the question.
Finally, Amano and Uchi purchased two rather obscure records, and there was a somewhat uncomfortable goodbye as if there was more to say (oh, there was, and we’d soon get there), but I let the walk of the store with the scores, then Akezawa san, having seen this routine a number of times, basically said with a glance, “Ok, Tokyo Record Style, go do your thing”. I replied with an “I’ll be right back, I promise.” Then I opened the shop’s sliding door and started in, “Pardon me, but did you guys just score some records? You see, I got this photography project called…
“Yeah so, Tokyo Record Style is this project where I chat people up about music and take their photos. Would you guys be keen to gimme 5 minutes for a photo and chat?” “Sure,” said Uchi san, “but tell me about this hunk of junk first.” “Oh this hunk of junk is called the ‘Centennial Falcon’, maybe you’ve heard of it? It’s the bike that made AquaLine Run in a 180 parsecs, ” I boasted. “What on earth are you talking about” asked Uchi. My delusion of grandeur evaporated, “Ah never mind, what do you ride?” “Royal Enfield” he asserts. “WOW!” (read: “DAMMIT!! Instantly out-cooled …but that was to be expected.”)
After Uchi and I geeked out over motorcycles for a bit, Amano who was infinitely more lovely than both of us, impressed me with the fact that she has no social media! “YES!” I quietly thought to myself, with a Kip Dynamite downward first pump. She also told me that she loves cooking and cuisine is her main creative expression. But you can tell just by looking a bit closer that Amano probably has many interesting facets. When I asked her about the albums she scored, she simply said, “Well, initially I just liked the way they looked. They’re both beautiful records, don’t you think?” “Yes, you’re absolutely right.” “They’d be quest just as art pieces, but they’re both quite good.”
Love it. You might actually not be able to judge an album BY its cover, but you can certainly judge it FOR its. I really like that Amano, who looks like an album cover herself, had a unique take on choosing her records. Hope to see you guys out there at the record store again. Until then, rubber side down. More TRS on the way!

Hitomitoi [一十三十一] – Secret Garden
Label: Adult Oriented Records – AOR-008
Format: Vinyl, 12″, 45 RPM, EP, Limited Edition, Black Light Vinyl
Country: Japan
Released: Aug 29, 2020
Genre: Electronic, Pop
Style: J-pop
Paul Davis – Singer Of Songs – Teller Of Tales
Label: CBS/Sony – 20AP 2593
Series: Sailing Summer ’83
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album, Reissue
Country: Japan
Released: 1983
Genre: Rock
Style: Country Rock, Soft Rock
Try Best Offer Score
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