Record collecting friends! Brian here, representing Tokyo Record Style!!
Announcing “Tokyo Record Style Day – Volume 2 – Shibuya!!” Join us for another Sunday afternoon of crate-digging with homies in local Tokyo neighborhoods, where gems and grails await us in clusters of awesome record shops! Score LPs, EPs, 10”s or CDs! Tapes? Reel-to-reels? 8-Tracks? We don’t judge! Just come celebrate your love for physical media and good ‘ol record shop culture! Pose for a photograph in your styley-est digs and with your Record Store scores, and make your mark on Tokyo Record Style!!
Shibuya has over a dozen record stores and you’re invited to join up, and mix up, with homies new and old, and visit your favorites! We’ll meet at the music-blown Hachiko statue in front of Tower Records at 2, scatter to our favorite shops, and rendezvous again at Disk Union on Center-Gai for some down-and-dirty street-beers/can-coffee (with photos!)
Still working on DJ Party Finale – will likely have to wait until Volume 3 (or perhaps a special annual event!) See you all Sunday, March 19 in front of Tower Records at 2pm! Everyone is invited
Facebook Event link: here