The Beat – I Just Can’t Stop It

(6 customer reviews)


SKU: B00B1MBJ8I Categories: ,


Additional information

Weight 0.30391 kg
Dimensions 31.09 × 31.7 × 1.09 cm
Product Dimensions

‎ 31.09 x 31.7 x 1.09 cm; 303.91 g




‎ 5014797138759

Label ‏



‎ B00B1MBJ8I

Number of discs ‏

‎ 1

6 reviews for The Beat – I Just Can’t Stop It

  1. キャルU.K.

    50〜60年代に人気を呼んだジャマイカのスカ・アーティスト達の影響を受け、1970年代末〜80年代初頭のイギリスに再びスカ・ブームを呼び起こした、セカンド・ウェイヴ・アーティスト達のバンドの一つ「THE BEAT/ザ・ビート」の1stアルバムである。ポスト・パンク世代が生み出したパンクとスカの融合、白黒の市松模様をトレード・マークとし、白人と黒人混成のブリティッシュ・スカ・バンドは、「ザ・スペシャルズ」のジェリー・ダマーズに興された、レコード・レーベルと、その造語から通称「2TONE/2トーン」(バンド)と呼ばれる。彼等(ザ・ビート)は、ザ・スペシャルズ、ザ・セレクターに続く3つ目のバンドであった。<当時のムーヴメントの代表的なバンド(スカ四天王)と言えば、マッドネス(全員白人)も含まれるであろう。>1978年にバーミンガムで結成、1979年に2トーン・レーベルからのリリースされた、スモーキー・ロビンソンの名曲「The Tears Of A Clown/涙のクラウン」でデビューを飾り、イギリスでは最高位6位を記録するヒットとなる。以後、独自レーベル「ゴー・フィート」を作って移籍、1980年に発表されたのが本アルバムである。<ただ、彼らよりも1年早く、アメリカで同名のバンドがデビューしている事もあり、区別する為、レコード会社によって後に「ENGLISH BEAT/イングリッシュ・ビート」の名前で呼ばれるようになった。>愛と団結、社会的、政治的な話題等を盛り込んだ歌詞、オリジナル・スカとロック・ステディ色の濃い哀愁に満ちた美しいメロディと浮遊するようなポップ感、高揚感を煽り快走するメロディーが持味である。R&Bやジャズ等の影響色濃い楽曲も見られる。メロディアスで反復性のあるギターとベースのリフを用い、小気味良くリズムを刻むドラム、軽快なヴォーカル、表情豊かに絡んで来るサックス奏者のSaxaは当時、50歳を超えるベテランで、若手メンバーの中で一人異彩を放っていた。スカ四天王の中では最もパンク的色合いは薄い。が、カリブ海の音楽のスタイルである裏打ちのリズムを特徴とした裏拍を強く意識し、リズムに独特の緊張感を生む旋律が抜群であり、その卓越した演奏力が圧巻である。楽曲の緩急のつけ方も巧く、どの曲も魅力的なスカの洪水である。シングル発売もされた「Hands Off… She’s Mine/恋のスカ・ダンス」は、今でも個人的に愛聴している初期のお気に入りの1曲である。

  2. Skeptic

    Fantastic music — the listing is a mess
    I.R.S. CD 70606 [UPC: 0 4479-70606-2 5]01. MIRROR IN THE BATHROOM02. HANDS OFF . . . SHE’S MINE03. TWO SWORDS04. TWIST & CRAWL05. TEARS OF A CLOWN [Cosby/Robinson/Wonder]06. ROUGH RIDER [Prince Buster, Arr. and adapted by The English Beat]07. CLICK CLICK08. RANKING FULL STOP09. BIG SHOT10. WHINE & GRINE / STAND DOWN MARGARET11. NOISE IN THIS WORLD12. CAN’T GET USED TO LOSING YOU [D. Pomus/M. Shuman]13. BEST FRIEND14. JACKPOT [Asgard/Crooks/Robinson/English Beat]The Beat are: Saxa, Andy Cox, David Steele, Everett Moreton.This is the original U.S. release, which inserted “Tears of a Clown” and “Ranking Full Stop” (both singles in the U.K. but unreleased in the States) to the original U.K. version.This CD is out-of-print now and has been replaced by a reissue of the original U.K. form of the album with only twelve tracks. The two songs left off the reissue are available on BEAT THIS: THE BEST OF THE ENGLISH BEAT.If, like me, this is the version you wore out on vinyl in the early ’80’s, I think you’ll miss “Tears of a Clown” and “Ranking Full Stop” if you buy the reissue.If you order this version, be sure you get 14 tracks; you’ll probably have to pay more, but it’s worth it.

  3. Amazon Customer

    Jackpot – Deluxe Edition 2012
    I bought this album when it came out (as well as the singles). As a very young person growing up in South London it spoke volumes to me – as it must have to all the other disenfranchised youth in cities like Birmingham, Coventry, Manchester and Liverpool that were living in M.T’s England. Hard times (no change then). That’s enough of that – This edition features the original album, the 1979 2-Tone single, various mixes, John Peel sessions, a dvd and an excellent 28 page colour booklet with photos and the lyrics.Cd 1. (36.28 mins) The album is just as vibrant and exciting as I remember it. There are many great tracks – ‘Mirror in the bathroom’, ‘Hands off’, ‘Twist & crawl’ and the fantastic ‘Best friend’ (disc 2 contains its B-side the anthem ‘Stand down Margaret (dub)’. Great sound quality overall, 10/10.Cd 2. (66.45 mins) Contains the 1979 2-Tone single ‘Tears of a clown/Ranking full stop’, ‘Stand down Margaret (dub version), other mixes of some of the A’s & B’s and finishes with 5 John Peel radio sessions and 4 Mike Read show performances. 7/10.Dvd. Contains 2 singles videos, and 5 ‘Top of the pops’ performances + a bonus.Overall a fantastic package – well done Edsel records.

  4. C. Cross

    Ska done right – this album is so addictive!!!
    I’ll be honest here – I used to HATE ska. I would go to my local concert hall to see some local musicians and there would ALWAYS be horrible ska bands playing (which is why I hated ska). I had just about given up on the genre when, to my surprise, I hear a sample of The English Beat’s “Mirror In The Bathroom” on Coldcut’s “Journeys By DJ: 70 Minutes of Madness” (also an excellent album) and was immediately intrigued. Lo’ and behold, after I got this album, it was amazing! I never knew ska could be so fun and interesting! Every song here is great and all of them are pretty memorable – everything about them is fantastic. The vocals are very well done here as Dave Wakeling has a very appealing voice. The lyrics are also pretty interesting to listen to as well as catchy – “Mirror In The Bathroom” is but one of many songs that’ll get stuck in your head. Musically it sounds like most other ska bands but with a little new wave and college rock thrown in. It’s also very well-produced for an album that came out in 1980. Overall this is an album that most people will LOVE, not jsut ska fans. Absolutely recommended!Highlights include:the entire album!

  5. The Captain

    Great Music
    I was a big fan of the Two Tone music and The Beat were my personal favourites. I bought a copy of this album on vynal and I must admit that I was a little disappointed that Tears of a Clown was not included. How pleased I was when I found that it was included with this excellent Deluxe Edition together with Rankin’ Full Stop. It is so nice to hear the original album crystal clear without the old clicks and crackles of the vynal. Disc 2 contains tracks not on the original album, including remixes and songs recorded for radio which are a nice addition. Disc 3 is a DVD and contains videos of the singles and their appearance on Top of the Pops. The included booklet is a nice addition and contains the songs lyrics and some interesting notes on the recording of the album. The only disappointment is that I wish they had put more live recordings on the DVD as this group were excellent in concert. Overall, the Deluxe Edition is an absolute must for any fan of this group or anyone who enjoyed the great music from the Two Tone era.

  6. Michael Patriksson

    Music to dance to – if not on vinyl!
    It’s like it was yesterday, although it was 1980. By then I may have already heard something by Madness, but I’m not sure. It is a winter party at someone’s house in high school, and one of the guys in class, who is also in a rock band, plays this LP. “Mirror in the Bathroom” is a killer, followed by more, and I’m hooked. Later that evening and long into the night and early morning music is played that I have never heard before. This may be the day (actually: night) that turned me into a music lover (and future collector). There was no dance, of course – the needle wouldn’t stand it -, but I was definitely ready to dance. And this music stills rocks, almost 35 years later. The Beat was then my favorite ska-pop band, but they declined rather quickly, whereas Madness has had a much more successful (and of course longer) history. With the possible exception of a disc or two from Madness and the very first by The Specials this could very well be my favourite ska-pop disc. It still works magic with your body and soul. Try it out!

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