Tokyo Record Style

Blue is free, Blue is noble, Blue never racial discrimination!

Another amazing display of generosity by my artist friend, Miro, who has created and is sharing the notion of “Blue Identity” speaking about blue as a color for freedom, for peace, for nobility, and never racial discrimination. I love this concept so much and I am so honored to know, be inspired and supported by Miro! Please check out is moving work and join me in spreading the notion of “Blue Identity”! THANK YOU MIRO!!!

Tokyo Record Style

Tokyo Record Style Day – Miro Blue Identity Giveaway!

I’m convinced! Nothing beats Tokyo Record Style Day! As Tina Turner says, “Simply the best!” In my next post, I’m gonna recap the fun time we had but for now, I want to spread the message of “Blue Identity” by Tokyo artist, Miro who recently styled me with an amazing work of Bob Marley art and a pack of stickers of some amazing heroes, both literal and figurative in blue. Miro’s “Blue Identity” is a beautiful notion that challenges racism and injustice. While we’re capable of discriminating against black, red, brown yellow, and white and of believing wrongly that our […]

Tokyo Record Style

Tatsuo Fukutomi (bemsha)

We interrupt your normal programming to bring you this special announcement. Well… This is not really an announcement, but I’m not going to call this normal Tokyo Record Style programming. This is just for those who might be interested hip to the fact that Tokyo Record Style is one of several Instagram threads I run. There are embarrassingly too many to list but the ones to point out here are @brianscottpeterson which is my personal account, which sadly starts and stops (and is a stop at the moment), and which often absorbs one of my other projects, Photohoku, an ongoing […]