Brian and Michael at Coffee L’ambre

My buddy Michael and I rendezvoused Saturday for a short record store hang. Afterwards, we had a couple of iced Vienna Lattes at a Shinjuku institution, Coffee L’ambre 新宿 らんぶる which I have been looking for ever since I had been taken there once about 19 years ago. My brain had remembered it being in a completely nother corner of Shinjuku and I thought must have closed down not long after my one visit. So great to see it’s still there! Will be back now that I’ve rediscovered it! Yes!

Thanks for the hang and the photo, @themichaelwarren. Now I’m not one to encourage selective coloring, in fact, technically it’s strictly forbidden. But I was just so torn about the photo I made of you. It seemed I had to go black and white like the one it like the one you snapped of me, but seemed unjust to make such a beautiful Tomita album monochromatic, and I’ve paid enough dues and have enough cred to not need to apologize for this.

…also makes sense in our spatial proximity to David Bowie in the grid view. So be it! Also looking forward to DJing with you, Bemsha and James this weekend! And more Shinjuku Record Store hangs and Vienna Lattes in the future!

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