I dropped by the Metropolitan Industry and Trade Center Taito Building this weekend for the “All Japan Records & CD Summer Carnival” where 31 record shops from around Japan all came together for a big trade/swap fair which according to their website (https://alljapan-records.com/) is the biggest 2nd hand record fair of its kind in Japan.
I’m not totally sure, but I think this is a rather new event, having hosted just 4 other carnivals in years past with a big 3-year pause with the pandemic. The general vibe I picked up was that everybody was really happy to be back in action this year.
I’ve seen images of past events posted around social media but I always seem to have only caught them after the fact, and until this weekend, have missed every past event so I was really stoked to go this time. It was on the 7th floor in an exhibition space of a public city hall in Taito-ku and it was an overwhelming amount of records right when you walk in. A quick 5-minute browse has you realizing that you need a proper 5 hours to see everything. So in my case, with really less than an hour to dig, I gave up on searching it all, but found a few good finds in the short time, none of which broke the bank. Each record store had its own section and each section had its own curated records and overall taste and price. Some were really well organized and some were scattered and, what more to say, but that it was really quite awesome. I rendezvous’d with my Top 5 Records Co-Host Michael and saw a few friends there and had a great time. It was open til 8 on Sat and 5 on Sun and you could get an early bird pass if you went through some ticketing thing, but otherwise, it was free and not crowded at all, with music playing, and just a giant Record Store vibe. Super fun!
See the comments for a list of the Record stores that were there (or follow Tokyo Record Style on Facebook – Link in Bio – where I will link them all to a replica of this post.)
Disk Note Morioka (Iwate)
Knowledge Records (Iwate)
Record shop Gri-Gri (Saitama)
Askatasuna Record & Company (Saitama)
Yellow Pop Kawaguchi (Saitama)
Drops Records (Chiba)
Yellow Pop Shimokitazawa (Tokyo)
Far East Records (Tokyo)
Red Ring Records (Tokyo)
Manhattan Records (Tokyo)
oldies but goodies (Tokyo)
HMV record shop (Tokyo)
Tachibana used records (Kanagawa)
Ebony Sounds (Shizuoka)
Kent Music Store (Shizuoka)
SOUL CLAP (Hamamatsu)
Record Jungle (Ishikawa)
Beach Party (Ishikawa)
Flamingo Records (Fukui)
Banana Records (Aichi)
Roots Lounge (Aichi)
Greatest Hits (Aichi)
Penny Lane (Aichi)
Look Records (Mie)
L-Committee Records (Kyoto)
Blue Soul (Osaka)
Jisboy (Hiroshima)
ディスクノートもりおか (岩手)
Knowledge Records (岩手)
レコード屋グリグリ (埼玉)
アスカタスナ レコード&カンパニー (埼玉)
イエローポップ川口店 (埼玉)
ドロップス・レコード (千葉)
イエローポップ下北沢店 (東京)
ファーイースト・レコード (東京)
Red Ring Records (東京)
Manhattan Records(東京)
oldies but goodies (東京)
HMV record shop (東京)
中古レコードのタチバナ (神奈川)
エボニー・サウンズ (静岡)
音楽萬屋Kent (静岡)
レコードジャングル (石川)
ビーチパーティー (石川)
フラミンゴ・レコーズ (福井)
バナナ・レコード (愛知)
ルーツラウンジ (愛知)
グレイテスト・ヒッツ (愛知)
ペニーレイン (愛知)
ルーク・レコーズ (三重)
L-Committee Records (京都)
ブルーソウル (大阪)
ジスボーイ (広島)

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