t bears worth mentioning again, the word “Style” in “Tokyo Record Style (TRS)” has significance. Like in my pal John Sypal’s project “Tokyo Camera Style (TCS)” on which TRS is based, this feed is not just about music in the same way that TCS is not just about cameras, but it’s also about expressing individuality, attitudes, and fashion sense through music taste (like with cameras in TCS).
Now you needn’t at all be “fashionable” to catch my eye, you simply need to be holding a record store bag. HAVING SAID THAT, I know you’re not supposed to judge a book by its cover, or a record by its jacket, but if I see two people both carrying Tower Record store bags in opposite directions, and one is wearing basic muted Uniqlo (no offense Uniqlo) and the other a bright red vintage track jacket, a bright red t-shirt underneath, some bright red Beats on top of their bright red hair, some badass flared-out, crazy-pattern, high-voltage slacks, and a funky little numbered-theme hand-bag, well, you can guess which one I am going to chase across the street for a Tokyo Record Style photo.
Say hello to Euna, 5-year resident of Tokyo, and Kanjani∞ mega fan, originally from Busan, Korea (which I explained is the city where Pachiko, once-famous-but-all-forgotten-long-lost-miscreant-little-brother-pup to Japan’s most famous dog, Hachiko, lived out his post-beloved-fame infamy. [see comments].)
Euna scored her threads in Ame-Ura, Osaka, where I’d just visited, and where she frequents regularly for her interest in some J-Pop Idols who are based there. I asked her when and why she first touched J-Pop and she explained that it started when she was very young and that her interest in J-Pop was the catalyst for learning Japanese and coming to live in Japan. That’s remarkable Euna! Similarly for me, hearing psych/folk/rock legends Happy End for the first time really piqued my curiosity about going deeper into Japanese culture. There you go! The world truly gets smaller through music!
GREAT meeting you, Euna, and thanks for the very friendly conversation! Looking forward to meeting you again! Enjoy those Kanjani∞ CDs. I LOVE YOUR FASHION SENSE!! …More TRS on the way!

関ジャニ∞ [Kanjani∞]
Label : JACA-6058~6059, JACA-6060~6061
Format: CD+Blu-ray / CD+DVD
Country: Japan
Released: May 10, 2023
Genre: Jpop
関ジャニ∞ [Kanjani∞]
初回限定 「キャンジャニ∞」 盤
Label: JACA-6062~6063, JACA-6064~6065
Format: CD+Blu-ray / CD+DVD
Country: Japan
Released: May 10, 2023
Genre: Jpop
関ジャニ∞ [Kanjani∞]
初回限定 「キャンジャニ∞」 盤
Label: JACA-6066
Format: CD
Country: Japan
Released: May 10, 2023
Genre: Jpop
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