“I’m getting closer! I can feel it!” ..a thought I was having to myself.
“Closer to what?” you ask.
(Hmmm, I must be thinking out loud) “Not to what,” I reply, “to who…”
“Dammit, Brian! Closer to WHO?!?” you exasperate.
“The Selectors,” I murmur just under my breath.
“Oh gawd! Here we go again, you and these ‘Selectors’! How many times do we have to go over this? They’re not REAL! They’re ARE NO SELECTORS! When will this STOP?!?! You’ve been looking for these elusive Seletors for 4 months straight! They don’t EXIST!!”
“They do…” I say inaudibly only as a thought to myself. “And Eda-san is the key to this whole mystery, I’m convinced of it. I’ll never give up my search for them.”
When I encountered Eda san, 4 months ago, randomly walking way out along Inokashira Boulevard in a kinda no man’s land area of the stretch, just strolling along with a Disc Union bag, miles from the nearest record shop, at a proper Bermuda Triangle dead zone of record shops, I thought he must be lost. But he wasn’t. He spoke slightly cryptically and hipped me to master vocalist, Julia Fordman on that first encounter, and a mysterious green record that I’ve never seen by the “Brazilliant” Deodato on this second chance meeting. Each time he offered clues about a Suginami-only DJ collective and community. BUT WHERE!?! HOW DO I FIND AND JOIN THEM!?! TELL ME, EDA SAN!
But alas, all I got was this friendly smile, some repeated cool style, and with these few clues, another sign that I’m still on the right trail. I’ll find you yet, Suginami Selectors, or die trying. Even if my adventure takes me to the far lost edges of this ward, I’ll find you! Be ready for me, cuz I’m coming. I hear your beacon! My quest will lead me there, to the Suginami Selectors! Until then, enjoy this record Eda san, and see you out there again along the trail to more musical treasure!
More TRS on the way!

João Donato Arranged And Conducted By Deodato* – DonatoDeodato
Label: Muse Records – YP-7032-MR
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: Japan
Released: 1974
Genre: Jazz, Latin, Funk / Soul
Style: Bossa Nova, Jazz-Funk
Try Best Offer Score
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