From the Manufacturer

Made by a famous manufacturer amongst musicians in the world
SHURE is a manufacturer of microphone and audio equipment since 1925.It is known to be a manufacturer that has been trusted by music enthusiasts and musicians all over the world.From the introduction of cable-free wireless systems to the development of personal monitor systems, mixers, audio processors, phono cartridges, earphones, headphones, and more.In Audio Electronics SHURE now builds its reputation as a world-renowned brand.

High performance and function for vocals and speech
SHURE is a company that has been offering a lot of products including microphones, cartridges, wireless systems and more.SHURE has been able to create and record sound in vocals and speeches.SHURE products have been used in historical places such as Elvis Presley concerts and John F. Kennedy addresses.SHURE microphones deliver high performance performance in music events such as rock concerts, hip hop, jazz & blues, presidential podiers, and church podiers.SHURE has been making products that can be used in many situations by achieving technology and reliability through extensive improvements in a long history since 1925.

Safety specification that does not skip easily
SHURE M44-7 Phono Cartridges feature non-skipping easy for scratch DJs and turntable players.This product can be used under harsh conditions.The SHURE M44-7 Phono Cartridge uses heat-treated aluminum alloy pipes to ensure the durability of solid construction.The safety specifications of this product will not damage the recordboard, and the ability to achieve extremely high skipping resistance and extremely high power output.Also, the SHURE M44-7 Phono Cartridge features very little record wear and a large sound emphasis on the basis.This product can expect high power resonance with 9.5 mV output.
ゆき –
購入して以来、針を何種類か交換しましたが、結果、「中電 N-44HW」が最高でした。オリジナル純正針よりも、こちらのほうがずっといいです。シュアーの技術者の人が聞いたら怒るかもしれませんが、はっきりいって、中電針のほうが、圧倒的に「ジャズに特化した音」になります。この低音の感じは、他のあらゆるカートリッジをもってしても太刀打ちできないのではないでしょうか。スピーカーのウーファーの音が変質したようになります。ジャズ、ロック、ポピュラー系はこちらで、クラシックとボーカルものは GOLDRING ELAN でと使い分けるよになってから、ほぼすべての音楽はこのどちらかで対応できてしまい、手持ちの DENON DL-103 とか、オルトフォンSPU、テクニカAT33GTP などは、完全に出番が無くなってしまいました。よくいわれる、「MM型よりMC型のほうが、解像度と高域の伸びがあるので、グレードが上」という話は、まったく大嘘のガセネタであることが、この2つのカートリッジ聴いてわかります。はっきりいって、オーディオ業界にはこの手の迷信、いや、意図的に捏造された悪徳商法の話が多すぎますね。
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