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Brian Scott PetersonOffline

    Kokoe (and Kouki)

    Meet Kokoe (and Kouki)! I actually met them last year at Replace Records in Nishiogikubo last year and it’s only now I’m getting around to sharing our encounter! Kokoe was a victim of being in the wrong place at the right time, or the right place at the wrong time, you decide. Days before I had spotted, at Replace, a rare and coveted, first Japanese pressing of Rocket to Russia by the Ramones, with a lovely Obi that really made the cover pop, posted the image I took of it maybe on my Instagram, soon after which Tony from the […]

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    Tony – Celebrated Summer Records

    Tony is the real deal. Last summer I got a message from a stranger saying he had discovered my YouTube channel, and that he owned a record shop in Baltimore, Maryland and that he’s been making frequent record shopping trip to Japan over the last 20 or so years. He said his name was Tony and his record shop was called “Celebrated Summer Records” …(thinks to self, “Where I have I heard that name before, “Celebrated Summer”? Isn’t that a Hüske Dü tune?) Soon enough I was pursuing Tony’s online photos and getting a few glimpses of his Record Shop, […]

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    Dead middle of August, possibly the hottest weekend of the year. By 10am the heat was oppressive, the humidity was inescapable, it was like being in an oven. Despite being just a stone’s throw from Tokyo Bay, not so much as a light breeze would help take the edge off. And there we were, a family of four, walking back and forth, a kilometer or two, between stadium and convention center at Chiba’s Makuhari Messe, to see the bands of the Summer Sonic Music Festival, most of whom I admittedly did not know. It was to be an adventure for […]

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    Tom Tom

    I had the great fortune of working in a diner in the 90s and early 00s where people sat at the counter for hours, drinking coffee refills and doing the crosswords. Not unlike bartending, it was a kind of hard knocks education in human nature, and not just want made people tick, but what made YOU tick. Could you maintain an ongoing conversation with a regular or navigate a conversation with a (read: “every”) stranger. I never remember a time in life lacking “people” skill but my few years at the diner honed my gift gab. And it proved handy […]

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    Marcel and Family

    Berlin in Tokyo! I caught up with designer Marcel and fam on the streets of Shimokitazawa last summer as they were just walking out of Disk Union with some pirate treasure booty, figuratively and literally (see the cover of 1969 Velvet Underground Live With Lou Reed). They were visiting from Berlin where, among other things, they run a cool independent fashion label and gallery that they founded many years ago called Adddress. Their brand is well-established and their style is, according to their website, “dominated by the crossing of contemporary and experimental elements …range of fresh concepts …grounded in spontaneous […]

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    Thijs and Victoria

    Niekerk, Netherlands, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Miami FLA, Boulder and Denver, Colorado, Tokyo, Japan! These two song birds have a love story that goes around the world. YouTube homie (soundofminder), Thijs and Lovely Victoria are owed a special kind of Tokyo Record Style award for two of the most patiently waiting subjects the project has known. So much time had passed from the time of our initial encounter at Shibuya’s infamous Tower Records and the FIRST time that followed up with them (in hopes they they could help me make sense of my chicken-scratch notes), however if you compare it to […]

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    Michael and Jessika

    Michael and Jessika Ok, here we go again… Sincere apologies to all that it’s taken me a full half year and change to get back on this horse. It got moved to the back burner while I fully throttled the Tokyo Record Style YouTube channel (which has actually become NEARLY as equally rewarding a type of storytelling – please follow), but photos and prose are in my blood, and now it’s time to bring this back to the front burner. My only hope is that the next sabbatical isn’t nearly as long. But hey, these things have their own way, […]

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    Tian Tian

    Meet sweet Tian Tian from Hangzhou, near Shanghai visiting Tokyo for the first time, on a 15-day tour of Japan where she is making up her itinerary on a day-by-day basis. This is almost exactly how I started my life in Japan, it was just meant to be a short 2 week stay, but it has turned out to be much more permanent than I ever imagined, actually 20 years exactly in 4 days. Tian Tian spoke in such perfect American English and just had a sorta California vibe about her that I suspected that she may have spent some […]

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    See you next time!

    Sending a giant thank you out to all who came to share an afternoon and early evening of music appreciation and record-loving at Top 5 Records – Volume 15 “On the Road Again”. After an 8-month hiatus we found an amazing new home at Bar Kurage adjacent Mustard Hotel in Reload Shimokitazawa. This new space, run by the supremely cool and contagiously fun Wataru san and the lovely and smiley Haruka, made for a wonderful event. It’s a beautifully designed bar, stocked with all kinds of premium flowing deliciousness, and has an outrageously nice DJ rig, replete with brand spanking […]

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    Nice to meet you Kotaro, who I caught up with at Organic Music as our Tokyo Record Style Day Volume 9 event wound down and as the main affair (OM’s 5th Anniversary) began. Kotaro was among the line-up of DJs who would be spinning records from 5pm and onwards and likely late into the evening. His unique, funky, and cool look caught attention and we had a nice chat outside the shop before his set, where I began to notice a few more details of his ensemble, including his gold wire rimmed Lennon glasses, matching gold ring and watch, an […]

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    Despite only brandishing a sticker from the event that Tokyo Record Style Day Vol. 9 piggy-backed on, Physical Store (Organic Music + Planet Baby)’s 5th Anniversary and neighbor Bar Otonari’s 1st Anniversary, it’s great to see long-time support friend of Tokyo Record Style (and other related photography projects), ex Disk Union staff, and reggae music aficionado Yusya (AKA bangsadali) from Indonesia and Illinois back on the on the stream! As much as we’d all like to, we can’t score record EVERY time we go to the record store; sometimes you strike out. But considering everybody CAME out, proving that Tokyo […]

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    Marcus and Maki

    Supremely cool Marcus showed up at Tokyo Record Style Day Volume 9 with his lovely Maki san, who I had never met before. Are these two just not coolest? I mean, both dressed in all black, Marcus with a fashionably utilitarian jacket, perhaps a black version of street fashion photographer Bill Cunningham’s iconic blue French workers jacket, coupled with some finely pressed high-voltage SLACKS, pink coral-colored (but subtle) geometric-patterned silk(?) socks, replete with some chunky black tasseled loafers. As for accessories, all understated, the sublimely unassuming Minolta CLE (a Toyota Crown Super Deluxe exterior and interior, but with a Porsche […]

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    Shimizu san is making his 3rd or 4th appearance on TRS and he’s become quite a good friend over the course of this project and I feel really grateful that connections like this have been made through Tokyo Record Style. As a real connoisseur of all kinds and music, and with a wide spectrum of taste, I wasn’t surprised he turned up for Tokyo Record Style Day Volume 9 at Organic Music, known for an especially eclectic selection of music, curated by the knowledgeable Chee Shimizu (coincidentally ALSO a Shimizu san, perhaps a distant cousin.) On this particular day, Shimizu […]

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    Author recognizes Author! Not sure how much I am allowed to disclose on this one cuz I know my pal, Professor Christopher Bondy, pictured here, is a fairly private fellow. He always pulls a “Home Improvement’s Wilson” on me in past Tokyo Record Style appearances, just poking his head up behind his featured purchase, though I’ve been lucky to capture his handsome mug more than once. Whether I’m allowed to disclose his own literary credits (see comments), we’ll find out together, if I end up eating my words and begging for his forgiveness after writing this. About Christopher: Besides being […]

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    Physical Store – TRSD Thank you!

    Tokyo Record Style Day Vol. 8 – Physical Store – Organic Music + Planet Baby A very big thank you to all who came out for another edition of Tokyo Record Style – Volume 9 Physical Store – Organic Music + Planet Baby. What a great excuse it is to see your friends, visit a new record store, listen to some tunes, and snap some photos! I wanna send a special shout out of gratitude to Author, DJ, Musicologist, Chee Shimizu of Organic Music for and the Kanako from Planet Baby for allow us to basically commandeer the shop for […]

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    Hey Record-loving homies! I finally get to introduce you to lovely Amy with whom I shared a long and friendly conversation in the shelter of The Suzunari’s Yokocho where we hid out from the sudden downpour, chatting about her music, fashion, traveling, rock climbing, and an architecture internship that brought her to Tokyo for an extended stay from Singapore where she lives and studies. Sidenote: I tend to keep Tokyo Record Style completely free from work-related talk only so as to have a place to focus completely on play, freedom, and fun. Having said that, I have blessings to count […]

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    More slacker style on TRS. Love it! Here’s the thing about slacker style – the whole point of it is two-fold: First to convey a sense of indifference, disaffectedness, unconcerned nonchalance. Two: to actually HAVE indifference, disaffectedness, unconcerned nonchalance, cuz really, who CAN be bothered. But you see, it is a bit a paradox, cuz on one hand it requires much thoughtful consideration, such as how holey or stained can jeans be before they’re trying to hard, how tattered or ironic can a graphic t-shirt or trucker hat be before it’s makes fun of itself, at one time of day […]

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    You’ve seen the memes of Gen X’ers telling both Boomers and Millennials to get over themselves and get on with it, and about them being the generation who despite being raised by the TV are more resourceful, educated, balanced, and indifferent to the momentary wanes of society, which has perhaps developed within them a type of insolence and insubordination that only fellow members of their generation find distinctive, familiar, and well, charming. Unfocused intellectual slacker recognizes unfocused intellectual slacker. So during my last visit to Like a Fool Records, it was this familiarity apparent when I met Yoichi, pictured here, […]

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    Tomo – Like a Fool Records

    Being blind-sided by a new artist, by a new band, by a new landscape of sound …what a truly great feeling. Like a baptism of sonic rhapsody, purifying your attention, distilling your conscience, the sensation can wash over you like a shamanic wave, transfixing all your senses, illuminating your perceptions, calming your spirit, and soothing your soul. Ah, you’ve arrived at a new place of musical appreciation! Congratulations! A new band just found its way to your heart, planting a seed of curiosity for more, an interest to go immediately deeper, a smile on your face, a surprised widening of […]

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    Good grief, where do I start with this one. Freddy is my oldest record-loving homie, my blow-our-paycheck-at-the-record-store-ON-payday partner-in-crime, the guy to whom I left my entire collection to when I moved to Japan and who every-few-of-those-early-years-of-living-here, I would return to and expatriate some of my records little-by-little until I had rudely raided virtually all I could (Sorry Fred). Because he was from Chicago and tapped into the underground scene, and because he had about 10 years on me, he knew 5-10 psych, garage, punk, post-punk, new-wave, and no-wave artists for every Top 40 or Classic Rock artist I knew. Some […]

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    Mehran and Jasmine

    Miyazaki’s Spirited Away is hands down one of my favorite movies of all time. It’s a powerful and beautiful story about coming of age, poetically and whimsically told, a journey simultaneously through adolescence and a mythical world, stunningly animated in vivid and imaginative Ghibli fashion, that somehow all makes perfect sense while making no sense at all. The protagonist Chihiro finds herself passing through a gate into the magical world of the “kami” (the gods) and loses both her parents and nearly her own identity in the process. She must overcome the challenges she faces while working in a bath […]

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    Venturing into some potentially dangerous territory here: Women and Vinyl. This is not a topic that particularly interests me but I heard something in passing that had me scratching my head and won’t seem to leave my thoughts. It was the question of whether men buy records to impress women, and if a record collection ever got a guy laid. It was posed by a sassy young lass, clumsily but endearingly unaware of how to wield her newly discovered insouciance, addressing a bunch of middle aged men old enough to have been around the block a few times. She got […]

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    If you’re not subscribed to my YouTube channel, please check out Tokyo Record Style! I’ve just been documenting random record musings, including the occasional visit to cool record shops in Tokyo (Link here). Before recording anything in a shop, I like to make sure it’s ok with owners and clerks and set up a situation where I can pitch what I want to do, give them a chance to review it, then come back at a later date to record so nobody feels they are being put on-the-spot. …So I pass Jet Set Records in Shimokitazawa nearly every day on […]

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    Sam, Shinyechan, Choisangyeop, Shingwangil

    For this edition of Tokyo Record Style I met some South Korean record collectors from the quite famous K-Indie / K-Pop band, “Lucy”, who were strolling down the chochin-illuminated Miyashita Park izakaya promenade while I was walking up it. They were coming from Tower Records where they had each scored an album during an off-night of their current Japan Tour. I stopped and quickly pitched them the Tokyo Record Style concept and asked if they might be willing to be photographed, and they were very happy and friendly to oblige. Not realizing I was speaking to a renown group of […]

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    Oliva and Adit

    Shibuya Scramble (“The busiest Intersection in the world”) has been a “monotonously fun” local to people-watch and to make street photos over the years. Yes, it’s too obvious, too mobbed, too gawky, too nauseating at times if you let it be, but c’mon admit it, it’s still got its charm after all this time. I can always vicariously experience it all new again through other people’s eyes who are seeing it for the first time, and it changes frequently enough (read: every two and a half minutes) to keep your interest. If nothing else, its purest transience can’t help but […]

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    Before my kids came along, I admit I spent far too many late nights in Shimokitazawa back alley tachinomi bars, one in particular called Namazu, or Catfish, which was a little community of artists, poets, musicians, dancers and performers of all varieties. Every night about 20-30 people would gather in a space that could hold about 6 and we would drink $3 beers, stumble through barely understandable conversations, laugh and cackle, play guitar and sing til the wee hours of the night. Every now and again, we would impress ourselves with a little camping outing, a mini-festival, or even a […]

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    Top 5 Records – On the Road Again!

    Top 5 Records Returns!Shimokitazawa!! Welcome to Season 3 of “Top 5 Records” where music-loving pals and DJs Michael Warren (@themichaelwarren), “bemsha” Tatsuo Fukutomi (@bemsha_swing), and “Zebrio” Brian Scott Peterson (@zebrio), invite their friends to an afternoon and evening of playing records and counting down their Top 5 Records on various themes! We welcome two guest DJs Miho (@miho.jonishi) and Kae (@karleksounds) The Season 3 – Episode 1 theme is “On the Road Again” – songs and albums that relate to being, traveling, traversing, trans-continental-ing and just being on the move! It will be up to our DJ’s to share how […]

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    Hey record-loving friends, Happy Father’s Day and hope you’re having a nice weekend ! It’s a good reminder of what I put people through for Tokyo Record Style to get in front of the camera myself, this time from Tokyo Record Style Day Volume 8 at Garageville in Tstujigaoka several weeks back. On this day I scored a reggae and rocksteady compilation that I had been eye-balling for a while, with a couple of early Wailers tunes on it including their version of Bob Dylan’s Like a Rolling Stone. Plus the cover features a really old photo of Bob, Bunny, […]

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    Tucked away in the quiet shopping side-street of sleepy Tsutsujigaoka on the western side of Tokyo, Garageville stands as a testament that Tokyo’s vibrant record culture exists even in places you might not expect it. The man, woman, and cats behind this unique record shop and craft-beer/snack-bar, Yasu, Junko, Goma, and Kinoko (who’ve been featured on TRS multiple times) have cultivated a space that is much more than a place to buy music – it’s a kind of clubhouse for both the vinyl-loving deep-diggers and casual hanger-outers, alike. I’ve written about Garageville a number of times and was thinking how […]

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    This is a post I have been looking forward to for a long time, of my Arizona-sometimes-Tokyo pal Bryce Suzuki who I’m not entirely sure how I know or how far back our friendship goes. He, being an avid and very talented street photographer, tells me that our mutual friend and iconic photographer (and Tokyo Camera Style originator), John Sypal put me on his radar, however everytime I look at Bryce’s name or see his amazing Instagram feed, which I highly encourage you to check out and follow, I feel like we might go much, much further back, perhaps even […]

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    About Me

    Brian Scott Peterson

    Celebrating record-collecting, record shops, and music-loving. Hi, I’m Brian!

    Hi everybody, I’m Brian!

    Welcome to Tokyo Record Style!

    What I’ve been discovering through Tokyo Record Style is that I’m not listening to what the corporate radio stations are trying to sell me, nor am I listening to a playlist curated by a single individual, or worse yet, a bot. By approaching record-collecting strangers on the streets of Tokyo, who collectively have an absolutely enormous spectrum of taste, I realize that I AM listening to an algorithm …the HUMAN ALGORITHM, and I am 10,000% convinced, it is the best way to discover new music.



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    Tony – Celebrated Summer Records
