Brian Scott Peterson posted in the group Open Talk
Welcome to the open talk forum. We don’t totally know how this entire thing works yet, but come figure it out with us. We’ll keep tweaking it till we get it right. Please use this “Open Talk” forum to voice any ideas for the community! Happy to have you hear with us !
Brian Scott Peterson posted in the group Top 5 Records
Heya friends! Top 5 records is looking for a new home. We actually have a couple of candidate venues and are looking to start back up in the new year, maybe with a slightly new format. Still open to ideas and locations so if you have any input leave a comment here or send along a DM. And if you don’t already know about Top 5 records, you can check…Read More
Tokyo Record Style Developer joined the group
Top 5 Records
Fantastic video — lots of food for thought here:
Here’s a birthday mix I made for my buddy Davey, called DAVEY:
Love the cover art on this birthday mix! How did Dave like the playlist @michael?
I remember this one being well received — many more bday mixes followed, I’ll try to share a few more here sometime soon
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About Me

Brian Scott Peterson
Celebrating record-collecting, record shops, and music-loving. Hi, I’m Brian!
Hi everybody, I’m Brian!
Welcome to Tokyo Record Style!
What I’ve been discovering through Tokyo Record Style is that I’m not listening to what the corporate radio stations are trying to sell me, nor am I listening to a playlist curated by a single individual, or worse yet, a bot. By approaching record-collecting strangers on the streets of Tokyo, who collectively have an absolutely enormous spectrum of taste, I realize that I AM listening to an algorithm …the HUMAN ALGORITHM, and I am 10,000% convinced, it is the best way to discover new music.
great conversations going on in the comments section of the video as well