What are the odds! I caught up with Itaru coming up the street pushing a bicycle and a tote bag on his shoulder and asked him if he might want to pose for Tokyo Record Style. With a warm smile he agrees, reaches into his bag and pulls out, much to my amazement, lo-and-behold, Tulsa hometown hero, Leon Russel, who, as legend has it (according to my parents) had a girlfriend who lived across from my first childhood home, and who used to come around and play with me when I was just a wee kid. I only became aware of this as an adult when I was recalling a distant memory and asked my dad, “Who was that long-grey-haired tv-talent guy who use to come around when I was little? Was he famous or something?” “Oh, you mean ‘Crazy Leon’ from cross the street? Yeah, he did like you a lot when you were kid, but he wasn’t a TV guy, he was a musician.” “Yeah Dad, who WAS he?” “Oh, let me think, Leooon…um… Russel! Yes that’s! Ol’ Crazy Leon Russel.” I about fell over upon hearing this, “THE Leon Russel?!?!” “Yeah, I think he became quite famous” (Pffftm “Became…” Freaking LEGEND, Dad, Jeez…)
There’s more to this Leon story, but many of you have probably already heard it. Feel free to ask me next time. I love to tell the story. Anyway, needless to say I was DELIGHTED to spot Leon’s self-titled album, with the timeless masterpiece ‘A Song for You’, in PERFECT condition, replete with Japanese obi, IN THE WILD ! Killer score Itaru, who posed for a few more photos for me with a fantastic smile and a light and friendly heart. I wasn’t all surprised when he told me he makes toys for a living. I would have liked to hear more about that but right then I was suddenly surprised by another chance acquaintance (wait for the next post). Thanks again for posing for Tokyo Record Style. I guarantee that Leon record will give you many many years of enjoyment! Until next time!

Leon Russell – Leon Russell
Label: Shelter Records – RJ-5060
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album, Reissue
Country: Japan
Released: 1972
Genre: Rock
Style: Classic Rock
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