Igor is the kind of big brother you want: One you grow up with who is constantly turning you on to new music for your whole life, one who provides a drum backbeat for your fledgling guitar hero aspirations, one who teaches you about the ways of people, relationships, work, fashion, stye, being a dude, one who eventually becomes both a music producer and a music video producer, and pushes you in your own path for music excellence, one who visits Japan, decides how awesome and inspiring it is, returns to your hometown in Belgrade, Serbia, then insists he brings you back on your first trip overseas, a big brother who drags you all across the county and cities, taking you places of cultural importance, museums of both ancient antiquity and futurism, to art exhibits, libraries, guitar shops, record bars, and eventually to “Music Shop Mecca” AKA, “Tower Vinyl” and gets you a couple of delicious cherries, i.e. two Queens of the Stone Age premium represses, your first records EVAR, and who just looks over you like big bro should. Better even than all this, one who gives you his FAVORITE Futurama Bender hoody that you cherish like a wooby. Now THAT is brotherly love…
I was so impressed with Igor’s big-brotherness to Aleksa (from the last post), and the gift of the WORLD that he was giving to him. These two had a connection that was so heartwarming I just couldn’t get enough of it, which resulted in an hour of chatting on the streets of Shibuya, hearing all about this duo’s misadventures in Tokyo and back home in Belgrade too. Made me wish I had a big brother like Igor, made me wish to be a better big brother to my 4 younger siblings. Made me want to salute ALL the big brothers (and big sisters) of the world, who turn their little siblings onto great music, fashion, culture, and general hipness. I commend you all! And I really commend Igor here for being such a champion of a bro, pictured here with a “I-just-couldn’t-resist” 20th-anniversary box set of Linked Park Meteora. Hey Igor, if anybody deserves it, it’s you! Keep on being a bro, stay in touch, and see you (and Aleksa again) on your next trip to Japan!
More Tokyo Records Style on the way!

Linkin Park – Meteora
Label: Warner Records – 093624880981, Machine Shop Recordings – 093624880981
Format: Box Set, Deluxe Edition, 20th Anniversary
Vinyl, LP, Album, Reissue, 2 x Vinyl, LP, Compilation, Vinyl, LP, Compilation
Country: Worldwide
Released: Apr 7, 2023
Genre: Rock
Style: Nu Metal
Try Best Offer Score
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