I decided to write a little bit in Japanese (see below), challenged by a friend, to both level up my Nihongo and to connect with the supportive Japanese audience always cheering me on. I thought it was a nice idea and it also happens to coincide perfectly with a post about Hinako pictured here, who I met at Replace Records a few weeks back. Though I initiated our conversation in Japanese, because she has grown up for many years attending international schools while living in Indonesia with her family, we were able to quickly change gears and communicate primarily in English which is always a bit of a relief. Hinako prowess in both languages is probably what makes her a great Juku cram-school teacher – and with me having two kids floating between English and Japanese at home and attending the kinds of schools at which Hinako teaches, I could really appreciate her ability to jump through those language hoops.
Hinako shared with me that her first experience with records was with her grandfather’s collection and that she had always wanted to start a collection of her own. Lucky for me, I managed to capture her on the VERY DAY that she started her own collection with these two records – her first vinyl records! When this nugget of information was disclosed, all present including Hinako’s friend Yui, and my pal George who was there exclaimed with cheer! “WOOHOO!!!!” And big High-Fives for another member to our tribe of tactile music lovers!
I hope Hinako collects many more records and enjoys her new interest and hope I meet her at the record store again someday. Thank you for sharing your special moment with us and sharing your international-ness and bi-lingual-ability with Tokyo Record Style! See ya around!
More Tokyo Record Style on the way!
こんにちは、みなさん!まず始めに、日本語を母国語とする皆さんに、いつも英語で私のInstagram Postsを読んでくれてありがとうと伝えたいと思います。私にとって日本語で流暢に自己表現するのは簡単なことではなく、私の英語の書き方がちょっと難しい時があると思います(ネイティブの英語話者でさえ、時々私の書き方を理解するのに苦労することがあります)。それにもかかわらず、いつも私を応援し、私の投稿に「いいね!」をしてくれること、そしてあなたのサポートはとても、とても励みになります。これからも英語でTokyo Record Styleの投稿を書き続けますが、時々日本語のコメントも加えようと思います。楽しんでいただければ幸いです!

Queen – News Of The World = 世界に捧ぐ
Label: Elektra – P-10430E
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album, Gatefold
Country: Japan
Released: 1977
Genre: Rock
Style: Hard Rock, Arena Rock, Classic Rock
UA – Ametora
Label: Speedstar – VIJL-60020-60021
Format: 2 x Vinyl, LP, Album, Limited Edition
Country: Japan
Released: Apr 22, 1998
Genre: Electronic, Jazz, Funk / Soul, Pop
Style: Soul-Jazz, Broken Beat, Acid Jazz, Downtempo
Try Best Offer Score
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