This is a post I have been looking forward to for a long time, of my Arizona-sometimes-Tokyo pal Bryce Suzuki who I’m not entirely sure how I know or how far back our friendship goes. He, being an avid and very talented street photographer, tells me that our mutual friend and iconic photographer (and Tokyo Camera Style originator), John Sypal put me on his radar, however everytime I look at Bryce’s name or see his amazing Instagram feed, which I highly encourage you to check out and follow, I feel like we might go much, much further back, perhaps even to the beginning of the online pre-instagram photography world. Maybe Bryce and his work are new to me, but it sure feels like I’ve known him all along.
Having a father born in Japan who gave him the name Suzuki, although Bryce lives in AZ, he is regularly visiting family in Japan, including one of his young adult sons who is currently living and studying in Kansai. His other two grown kids also sound quite cool, music lovers and makers, and he’s even bred one into a fellow record-collector – well done, Dad! When Bryce explained to me that he is an attorney, downplaying how hard he must work to provide the opportunities to his kids and himself that he does, coupled alongside his VERY obvious creative talent, it became clear to me that he is, at his essence, what our mutual friend John Sypal kindly reframed for me, (what I will try to reframe for you now), an amateur …but wait, let me explain.
We often throw around the word amateur in a disparaging way, a “dabbler” a “novice” a non-professional “less than.” When I, myself, suggested such a definition of the word in a conversation with our mutual friend John Sypal, John was quick to correct me, nearly reprimand me, and I’m very glad and forever grateful he did. He went on to explain to me the etymology of the word, coming from the Latin “amare” meaning “to love,” one who dedicates himself or herself to a pursuit not for money (like a professional), but for passion. Oddly enough, the example John used to illustrate this further was golf, explaining that the professional golfer is the one on the driving range every day, on the putting green every day, honing the skills to earn money, playing in tournaments not just for glory, but for salary, whereas the amateur is the attorney all week long (the irony) attaining dependable success through a smart, reliable, hard-earned living, who with only pure passion and natural talent can COMPETE (or at least nearly compete) with the professional and only ever for the love of the sport. It’s really the amateur who shines brighter than the professional and not the other way around. And when you look at Bryce’s photo feed, and every consecutive photo for years and years, you will see exactly what I am talking about.
There is one more thing I’d like to say about Bryce, and it’s taken me two days to try to articulate and I still have not been able to unravel this thought. So not only do I genuinely admire of Bryce’s creative work, respect his role as a fellow hard-working father, share his obvious passions for music and photography, but I am also indebted to him for being Tokyo Record Style’s one and only Patreon, for making an actual financial contribution to the project each month. Now, as the recipient I can tell you one, it is 1.) it is slightly embarrassing to need and have patrons and accept their support but 2.) it is an enormous validation that somebody feels inspired enough to contribute to your projects so you can continue to develop them, however (and here is the but I can’t see to crack: 3.) it inadvertently, and on a technicality, forfeits your “amateur” status, as it were, and I’m trying to square this up in my head, wanting to both expand the project in ways that allow me to do more, and stay true to the notion that I’m doing it for the love of doing it, which is ultimately why I do it
…so where am I left in this little conundrum, having the extremely talented guy who is driven by pure passion, financially stable and supporting the guy who wasn’t clever enough to have the same or similar foresight? You tell me, I can’t seem to crack it. All I can say are these three things, but I mean them whole-very-heartedly: I’m humbled, I’m inspired, and I’m grateful. Thank you, Bryce. Thank you very much. Looking forward to your next visit to Japan and to our next hand and continued connection. Keep making amazing photos and listening to great music. Very nice haul by the way 😉
More Tokyo Record Style on the way.

Joy Division – Unknown Pleasures
Label: Factory – FACT 10R, Factory – FACT 10
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album, Reissue, Remastered, 180g, Textured Sleeve
Country: Europe
Released: Jun 26, 2015
Genre: Rock
Style: New Wave, Post-Punk
Blondie – Eat To The Beat
Label: Chrysalis – WWS-81255
Series: Highest Energy & Eternal Beauty
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album, Stereo
Country: Japan
Released: 1979
Genre: Rock
Style: New Wave
Roxy Music – Avalon
Label: EG – 28MM 0172, Polydor – 28MM 0172
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album, Stereo
Country: Japan
Released: Jun 1982
Genre: Rock, Pop
Style: Art Rock, Pop Rock
U2 – Live “Under A Blood Red Sky”
Label: Island Records – 20S-192, Polystar – 20S-192
Format: Vinyl, LP, Mini-Album
Country: Japan
Released: 1983
Genre: Rock
Style: Pop Rock, Arena Rock
U2 – The Unforgettable Fire
Label: Polystar – 28SI-252, Island Records – 28SI-252
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: Japan
Released: Oct 6, 1984
Genre: Rock
Style: Pop Rock
The Police – Synchronicity = シンクロニシティー
Label: A&M Records – AMP-28075
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: Japan
Released: 1983
Genre: Rock
Style: Pop Rock, New Wave
David Bowie – Changesonebowie = 魅せられし変容
Label: RCA – RVP-6070, RCA – APL1-1732
Format: Vinyl, LP, Compilation
Country: Japan
Released: 1976
Genre: Rock
Style: Classic Rock, Glam
Simon & Garfunkel – The Concert In Central Park
Label:Geffen Records – 36AP 2271~2
Format: 2 x Vinyl, LP, Album, Gatefold
Country: Japan
Released: 1982
Genre: Folk, World, & Country
Style: Folk Rock, Classic Rock
Bruce Springsteen – Born To Run
Label: CBS/Sony – 25AP 1274
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album, Reissue, Gatefold
Country: Japan
Released: 1978
Genre: Rock
Style: Pop Rock
Bruce Springsteen [ブルース・スプリングスティーン] – Born In The U.S.A.
Label: CBS/Sony – 28AP 2850
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album, Stereo
Country: Japan
Released: Jun 21, 1984
Genre: Rock
Style: Pop Rock, Arena Rock
Sugarhill Gang – Rappers Delight / 8th Wonder
Label: Hot Classics – HCL 2260
Format: Vinyl, 12″, Gold Label
Country: US
Released: 1993
Genre: Hip Hop
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