Brian Scott Peterson wrote a new post
Brian Scott Peterson wrote a new post
Brian Scott Peterson wrote a new post
Brian Scott Peterson wrote a new post
Brian Scott Peterson wrote a new post
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Celebrating record-collecting, record shops, and music-loving. Hi, I’m Brian!
Brian Scott Peterson wrote a new post
Making his 5th or maybe 6th appearance on Tokyo Record Style is my dear pal Michael Warren who recently moved from the far east Side of Tokyo to the far west side of Tokyo, nearer to where I live...
Brian Scott Peterson wrote a new post
Pal, partner-in-crime, and regularly-featured Tokyo Record Style friend, bemsha and I hung out a few weeks back visiting a fashion/jewelry exhibition of our mutual friends Paramitha and Fani, who hail from Indonesia and whom we both know through photography...
Brian Scott Peterson wrote a new post
Wrapping up the trio of buds that I photographed a few weeks back in Shinjuku is Yatabe. Now technically, Yatabe hadn’t scored any records like his friends, Kurata and Tomatsu from the previous two posts, but hey, we’re all...
Brian Scott Peterson wrote a new post
Next up of the trio that I met in Shinjuku is the elegantly-styled Kurata, who stood out a little like a silhouette in a fashion collection sketch. He was rawking a long, corduroy-ish, camel-coloured velour, vintage double-breasted sweater/jacket/trench-coat in...
Brian Scott Peterson wrote a new post
When we look in the mirror, we don’t see our “true” selves, or maybe a better way to put it is that we don’t see our “accurate” selves, but rather a representation of ourselves, horizontally flipped, but it’s close...