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Brian Scott Peterson wrote a new post
Brian Scott Peterson wrote a new post
Brian Scott Peterson wrote a new post
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Celebrating record-collecting, record shops, and music-loving. Hi, I’m Brian!
Sean changed their profile picture
Sean became a registered member
Brian Scott Peterson wrote a new post
With so many awesome record store owners in Tokyo, it would impossibly hard and really unfair to to rank them in terms of coolness (first noting that by definition that they are many degrees cooler that the populace at...
Brian Scott Peterson wrote a new post
How can, after all these years, Shibuya Scramble, AKA, “The busiest interaction in the world” keep impressing? It knocked my socks off the first time I saw it as it does everybody who has ever beared witness to it,...
Brian Scott Peterson wrote a new post
I had a slightly peculiar claim to fame growing up, that my grandfather was from Canada, technically making me, for whatever it was worth, ¼ Canadian (if a person can actually claim such a thing). Well, I did, and...
So glad to connect man! As always! Keen to do it again soon 🙂
All content ©brianscottpeterson
So stoked to have been featured! It was an honour to close out the year with you, my friend!